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Christmas Party 2024

Celebration of Sport Invite



A reminder that all core Cardiff Met Sport staff must attend the morning/afternoon session unless pre-agreed with your line manager - details to be confirmed soon.


Detailed Description

A reminder that all core Cardiff Met Sport staff must attend the morning/afternoon session unless pre-agreed with your line manager - details to be confirmed soon.

These tickets are for any Cardiff Met Sport staff who wish to attend the evening 'Christmas celebration' section.

Date: 18th December 2024.
Time: 17:00 - 19:00. Then the party will continue in town afterwards - details will come ASAP.
Venue: Rileys Sports Bar, Cardiff. https://rileys.co.uk/locations/cardiff
Cost: £6.10.

If you haven't purchased a ticket for the evening, you will not be able to attend.

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